• 丙酮酸 ≥70%
  • GA165286 127-17-3

    Pyruvic acid

产品货号规格货期 优惠价 数量
GA165286-2.5kg 2.5kg 准现货 询价
GA165286-500g 500g 准现货 询价
  • 产品信息


敏感性 对热、光线和空气敏感
折光率 1.426-1.43
密度 1.2500
熔点 11.8℃
沸点 165℃
存贮条件 充氩保存,储存温度2-8℃

产品介绍 有类似乙酸气味。易吸湿,易聚合。见光色变深。除质纯而避光密封保存外,在贮存过程中易产生聚合、分解现象。能与水、醇、醚混溶。有腐蚀性。
别名 乙酰甲酸;2-氧代丙酸;2-酮基丙酸;α-酮基丙酸;α-Ketopropionic acid; 2-Oxopropionic acid
生化机理 Pyruvic acid reacts with N-acetyl mannosamine by an aldol-type condensation to form sialic acid. Pyruvic acid is a component of commercial red seaweed polysaccharide.In muscle, pyruvic acid (derived from glycogen) is reduced to lactic acid during exertion, which is reoxidized and partially retransformed to glycogen during rest.
应用 生化研究,检定伯醇和仲醇,检定脂肪族胺的显色剂,测定转氨酶。

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