• 氢氧化铵(氨水) 28%-30%
  • GA141016 1336-21-6

    Ammonia solution

产品货号容量货期 优惠价 数量
GA141016-500ml 500ml 准现货 询价
GA141016-2.5l 2.5l 准现货 询价
  • 产品信息

密度 0.9000
存贮条件 密封阴凉保存。
产品介绍 为氨的水溶液。氨含量越多,密度越小。易挥发逸出氨气,有强烈的刺激性气味。能与乙醇混溶。呈强碱性。能从空气中吸收二氧化碳。与硫酸或其他强酸反应时放出热。与挥发性酸放在近处能形成烟雾。中等毒,半数致死量(大鼠,经口)350mg/kg。有腐蚀性。催泪性。
别名 氢氧化铵 溶液;阿摩尼亚水;Ammonium water; Ammonium solution; Ammonium hydroxide; Aqua ammonium
生化机理 Ammonium hydroxide supplied in solution [NH3(aq)] with approximately 28-30% NH3; it appears as a colorless liquid, free from suspended matter or sediment. Aqueous ammonia is used in the laboratory most often as a complexant and base in inorganic analysis. Can also dissolve silver residues. With copper(II) solutions, gives a deep blue coloration. Ammonium hydroxide has also been used as an alternative for decalcifying bone specimens prior to histological examination.
应用 分析试剂,中和剂,生物碱浸出剂。用于某些元素(如铜、镍)的检定和测定。用以沉淀出各种元素的氢氧化物。制备铵化合物,洗涤剂,比色测定。

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